not one or the other

Dear Brave Souls: There is sight… and there is seeing. There is hearing, and there is listening. There is love and there is service. There is dream and there is action. All. Not one or the other.

The bird does not just see, but sees far. The bird does not just hear, but listens for chance and for foe. The bird does not just love, but protects the vulnerable young. The bird does not dream flying only: The bird uses muscle and sinew, bone and heart… the bird uses steep effort to truly fly.
And with love,

a breathing meditation

Dear Brave Souls: For you, a breathing meditation.

In your heart, go to the most beautiful tidal water you can recall, enter it– it is just the right temperature… and there, in ancient Mother Ocean, bend to curve your waters to roll and recede, roll and recede in waves.

Breathe in, recede,
then hold breath for a moment…
then Breath out, roll forward
with longest breath you have.
Calm bright heart.

Breathe in, recede,
then hold breath for a moment…
then Breath out, roll forward
with longest breath you have.
Calm bright heart.

Be reminded this is the child’s natural rhythm for self calming. Remember, you are a child of the Waters from your conception forward, and be calmed. You were conceived in, carried in the waters for nearly a year and you could breathe in total calm in those waters.

Breathe in, recede,
then hold breath for a moment…
then Breath out, roll forward
with longest breath you have.
Calm bright heart.

Breathe in, recede,
then hold breath for a moment…
then Breath out, roll forward
with longest breath you have.
Calm bright heart.

And with love,

from The Contemplari manuscript ©1976, 2012, by cp estés, all rights reserved.



  • Dear Brave Souls: This is the final image for tonight, the most of the most of the least of the least creatures. This firefighter saved this fawn from the fire. It’s little delicate hooves and ankles have been burnt from running like mad through the burn to try to get away. This soul and the firefighter … let me just say, like the firefighter from the horrible fires in our beloved sister continent, Australia, who bent to give his water from his water bottle to a poor little koala bear who also had horrible burns on his paws…

    both their lives, the fawn and the firefighter,
    the koala bear and the firefighter,
    and all others who were and are able
    to save wildlife that clung to the humans
    like the true relatives they are…..
    the lives of all are changed from that moment forward…
    from feeling a creature of Creator cling to you
    because in those moments, you became
    the manifest Mother Herself.

    With love to all, with peace and comfort –may these be made visible and hearable by and to all souls in small and large ways.
    Dr.e excuses…

Dear Brave Souls: There’s no excuse, you know, right? There’s really no ‘when I get/ have/learn/find/can/know/–then I will create, then I will give the time, then I will start, finish, continue.

It’s all BS (bubble and squeak=cooked cabbage fried with cooked potatoes and many times, meat– it’s the sound of it all cooking, but the sounds are not the substance of what is being cooked…The substance is the meat, the vegetables. Does this sound familiar? The work is the work.)

See here Frida Kahlo, destined in life from a terrible accident to be in a torso cast and great pain for life. Understand my biscochitos/as, that we create out of where we are… nothing ought keep us from it.

Some go chasing puffy rainbows and fluffy words they saw or heard elsewhere. But the most rough and deep of art comes from something no one but you has ever seen/known, walked with.

This above is just an except from my book on what I call Original Voice. It’s a Field Guide, which I’ll be teaching from in October of this year at our Training on Original Voice. If we want Original Voice, there’s no borrowing, no purloining, no ‘stealing’ from others. There is just you. Radiant one of a kind, blessed, scarred up, scared, sacred, funny, fully embodied, fully ensouled… you.

I’ll be teaching you how that sense of selfhood informs us with out of this world inspirations, and ways to listen and see how utterly unique you are, how utterly unique your touch to your creative life and work and your calling.

It is of this world to bring it. But it comes from another world, and you are the sherpa.

With love,

Happy Mother’s Day!

This is my first Mother’s Day…granted I am a doggie Mom now, but my rescue pup Gracie is my furry child. I love her more than I thought possible. I honor all mothers today whether or not they have given birth to a two-legged child or not…for those women who stand up for and defend children who have no one to stand for them…for the women in far off corners of the globe teaching women and girls to read…teaching them the basic health and rights of their bodies…for all the women who care for a child that is not their own…for all the women who care for this planet and all it’s creatures…for all the women who have given birth..and most of all Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing Mom who continues to astound and inspire me in her willingness to grow and learn.-Jen

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Dear Brave Souls: A soul says so heartfully that sometimes others see her as less because she is a mother through adoption. This is my answer to her, to all who care for children.

“People who care about children and their souls, no matter how and when, and unbounded by time and not defined by name or office, nor relationship, not defined by those who demean others, are not “less than” by any definition of the Soul.

“We have to rest in the Soul’s view, no matter what those who are angry, mean, jealous, upset, or other use as name calling.

“Look up, ever. Proceed in knowing and…

in dignity…”

and with love,
who also says re-read about ‘the scapecoat’ in wwrwtw, what kind of woman can wear such a long, heavy coat inscribed with all the deleterious names she’s been called in life. It’s quite ‘a crowning robe’ displaying her endurance, her innate humanity… her boundaries made from having lived and suffered prevaricators and predators, and from having lived and been visited by angels and fed by invisible hands.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes Rocks!

Dear Brave Souls: I said it at least 3 times and in three different ways at my reading re Untie the Strong Woman two nights ago. I’ll put the essence of it here for you in case you didnt hear it then, or yet… I tell you and tell you and tell you… I’m patient. I’ll wait, but prefer you/we/I show daily progress in these matters.Simple Prayer for Remembering The Motherlode
We do not become healers. We came as healers. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.We do not become storytellers. We came as carriers of the stories we and our ancestors actually lived. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers, dancers, musicians, helpers, peacemakers. We came as such. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense. We came as Love. We are Love. Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.

and with love,
excerpt “Simple Prayer for Remembering The Motherlode” from The Contemplari manuscript ©200