Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Thank you to


for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Very kind. Creating this blog has given me more than I could have imagined. It was something I felt compelled to do. It is fueling my creativity, opening my world so I can connect with people who share my passions.  IT has been a blessing and inspiration to find bloggers such as Lets Spread

In accepting this award:

1.Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award to 7 nominees.

7 things about myself…

1) I love to travel, read about travel ,watch movies about travel. When I was 18 I did a solo backpacking trip in Europe. After I earned my Bachelor’s Degree I traveled to Nepal and India for 3 months,studying Buddhism at a monastery outside Kathmandu for several weeks.  three years I ago I drove cross country and back after ending a seven year relationship that was very unhealthy. I took the trip to get back to myself..I had lost myself in someone else’s needs and problems.

2) I have 3 nephews that I love dearly and would do anything for.

3)I love animals, especially dogs and especially my rescue pup Gracie.

4) I love, love music. It is a passion. It inspires me, comforts me and moves me. I enjoy all types…lately I am listening to Michael Franti, Xavier Rudd & Brandi Carlile along with a host of others.

5) I love the outdoors and doing just about anything outdoors…hiking, biking, kayaking, backpacking, skiing, snowshoeing, skating

6) I love to learn and try new things. I love adventure. I love meeting new people.

7)I have struggled most of my life with depression and anxiety. It has taken a lot from me. The past year I feel as though it is the first time in my life that I am controlling the anxiety and depression rather than the other way around. I am relearning what love is or maybe it’s rediscovering what love is…maybe we are born knowing deep within the heart and depending on the environment we grow up in love will grow or diminish and hide until it is safe to nurture and expand once again

7 nominations- I find it difficult to just pick 7 but here goes

http://colourtheday.wordpress.comColour The Day /  opt4:

 A Loving Goodbye

falling in love

do it now

Pray for Peace

Pray to whomever you kneel down to:
Jesus nailed to his wooden or plastic cross,
his suffering face bent to kiss you,
Buddha still under the bo tree in scorching heat,
Adonai, Allah. Raise your arms to Mary
that she may lay her palm on our brows,
to Shekhina, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
to Inanna in her stripped descent.

Then pray to the bus driver who takes you to work.
On the bus, pray for everyone riding that bus,
for everyone riding buses all over the world.
Drop some silver and pray.

Waiting in line for the movies, for the ATM,
for your latte and croissant, offer your plea.
Make your eating and drinking a supplication.
Make your slicing of carrots a holy act,
each translucent layer of the onion, a deeper prayer.

To Hawk or Wolf, or the Great Whale, pray.
Bow down to terriers and shepherds and Siamese cats.
Fields of artichokes and elegant strawberries.

Make the brushing of your hair
a prayer, every strand its own voice,
singing in the choir on your head.
As you wash your face, the water slipping
through your fingers, a prayer: Water,
softest thing on earth, gentleness
that wears away rock.

Making love, of course, is already prayer.
Skin, and open mouths worshipping that skin,
the fragile cases we are poured into.

If you’re hungry, pray. If you’re tired.
Pray to Gandhi and Dorothy Day.
Shakespeare. Sappho. Sojourner Truth.

When you walk to your car, to the mailbox,
to the video store, let each step
be a prayer that we all keep our legs,
that we do not blow off anyone else’s legs.
Or crush their skulls.
And if you are riding on a bicycle
or a skateboard, in a wheelchair, each revolution
of the wheels a prayer as the earth revolves:
less harm, less harm, less harm.

And as you work, typing with a new manicure,
a tiny palm tree painted on one pearlescent nail
or delivering soda or drawing good blood
into rubber-capped vials, writing on a blackboard
with yellow chalk, twirling pizzas–

With each breath in, take in the faith of those
who have believed when belief seemed foolish,
who persevered. With each breath out, cherish.

Pull weeds for peace, turn over in your sleep for peace,
feed the birds, each shiny seed
that spills onto the earth, another second of peace.
Wash your dishes, call your mother, drink wine.

Shovel leaves or snow or trash from your sidewalk.
Make a path. Fold a photo of a dead child
around your VISA card. Scoop your holy water
from the gutter. Gnaw your crust.
Mumble along like a crazy person, stumbling
your prayer through the streets.

Ellen Bass-The Human Line


‎”Bless more; blame less.”
–Marianne Williamson

sharing from our souls

I love this! Please share it with all of your girlfriends!

They Teach It at Stanford…

“I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman;whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.

At first everyone laughed, but he was serious.

Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time” helps us to create more serotonin – a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well-being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? Rarely.

Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.

There’s a tendency to think that when we are ‘exercising’ we are doing something good for our bodies; but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged – not true! In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!

So every time you hang out with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very blessed. Sooooo … let’s appreciate our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently, it’s very good for our health!”

Share this with all of your girlfriends!

Adopt me…what a cutie!

Jane will be 11 weeks old on Monday and is the only one of Diana’s puppies that is not reserved. One of her siblings had a DNA test done and we know her mom was Corgi and the test results showed her father was Cocker Spaniel and Silky Terrier. She will probably get between 20 and 30 pounds full grown, but of course there is no guarantee. 🙂

If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an application by visiting and an Animal Lifeline representative will contact you. Trust me….she won’t stay available long. 🙂


“Whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, whatever our nationality, color, social status, or ideology may be, the purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

not just a dog


I found this on the Dog is Good Facebook page

must have